M o r e   t h a n   a s p i r a t i o n
Industrial use


The machines involved in the extraction of aluminium waste have different shapes that adapt to every need of our customers. The process consists of 4 steps.

Collection of aluminium waste

Every aluminium waste extraction machine must be equipped with a hood and aerodynamic vents that ensure the material collection in a homogeneous and effective way.


Aluminium suction

Two products can work for aluminium suction: chopper fan and injector.
With the first one, it is possible to trim at a speed of about 1,200 m/ min with a transport up to 100 metres.
The second one offers a lower energy consumption reducing the acoustic impact with a performance equal to sucking up to 1000 mt/min.
Trimmings are transported continuously without being fragmented, and can be conveyed in round balers.


Transport of waste

New Aerodinamica evaluates the best suppliers to offer high-end pipes that carry aluminium residues; the latter can be iron painted or stainless steel according to installation.
This type of piping, thanks to higher thicknesses, tight joint systems and being completely smooth inside, prevents the material from blocking, causing a stop of the suction.


Separation of aluminium residues

The waste is transported through the aerodynamic separator equipped with different volumes of total air; this equipment works without the aid of mechanical seals as it remains in perfect balance with balancing fans.
Depending on the type of material, specific accessories are inserted.