Industrial use
The process consists of 5 steps.
Collection of bookbinding waste
Each extraction system of bookbinding waste has different characteristics and therefore produces different rejects for shape and size.
Before obtaining an effective suction it is necessary to carry out a first realisation of collecting hoppers that reflect the needs of the customer as well as ensuring a correct evacuation of the waste.

Extraction of binder waste
The machinery used is the ripping fan capable of sucking binding residues from several processing lines.

Transport of waste
New Aerodinamica evaluates the best suppliers to offer high-end pipes that carry the residues of the production of the bookbinders; the latter can be painted iron or stainless steel according to the installation.
This type of piping, thanks to higher thicknesses, tight joint systems and being completely smooth inside them prevents the material from blocking, causing a stop of the suction.

Separation of legatory residues
The transported bookbinding material is discharged through aerodynamic separators that are sized by total air volume; This equipment operates without the use of mechanical seals as it stands in perfect balance with balancing fans.

Material filtration
All the dust of the separator or of the machines is filtered by means of dust collectors built according to the requirements in compliance with all the rules regarding sizing, the choice of filtering fabrics and control systems.
Each material filter is equipped with an access ladder, railings and emission control points in line with current regulations.